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3 Keys to Superior Customer Service

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Jason LoGuidice Director Influencer Relations

Jason is passionate about helping Five9 drive the Influencer Relations program through innovative campaigns and engagements to grow revenue and bring timely and actionable market intelligence to the organization. Before to joining Five9, Jason spent 2 years at Polycom running the Analyst Relations program. Prior to Polycom, Jason spent four years at Cisco running AR Programs for the collaboration and advanced services portfolios. Prior to hi-tech, Jason spent more than a decade as a business development manager in the financial industry.

Today’s customers demand a consistent experience regardless of location or device, and expect organizations they do business with to be responsive and effective. At the Five9 2019 Sales Kickoff event, industry analyst Zeus Kerravala, ZK Research shared that 90 percent of companies now compete on experience, up from 28 percent five years ago.

CX is already the top brand differentiator in raising the bar in the contact center. In the customer experience era, consumers have a voice and they have a choice. Bad customer service can be detrimental to your business.

If creating a great customer experience is important to your business, check out these three keys to delivering superior customer service: 

Omnichannel Capabilities

Customers want to communicate on the channel of their choice, but also require the freedom to move between channels. Every interaction – voice or digital – is an opportunity to increase your customer loyalty and satisfaction. The Five9 Customer Service Index highlights the importance of an omnichannel customer experience. While voice is still king (49 percent), email (28 percent) followed by online chat (16 percent) have emerged as favorites. With modern consumers expecting a resolution in 15 minutes or less, omnichannel is essential.

Data and Analytics

Data is the foundation of new experiences and business models. At the Five9 Sales Kickoff event, Kerravala shared that 90 percent of data has been created in the last two years. With massive amounts of data being generated, artificial intelligence and machine learning will “connect the dots” that lead to new insights at a faster pace than humans.

Personalized Service

It’s more than just calling your customer by name and keeping track of their preferences. In today’s digital era, personalized service means deciphering and acting upon customer data in real-time. According to the Five9 Customer Service Index, almost three quarters (74 percent) of survey respondents are at least somewhat comfortable with a company using their purchase history when providing customer service. More people are very or somewhat comfortable (80 percent) with this approach if it results in a high level of customer service.  


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Jason LoGuidice Director Influencer Relations

Jason is passionate about helping Five9 drive the Influencer Relations program through innovative campaigns and engagements to grow revenue and bring timely and actionable market intelligence to the organization. Before to joining Five9, Jason spent 2 years at Polycom running the Analyst Relations program. Prior to Polycom, Jason spent four years at Cisco running AR Programs for the collaboration and advanced services portfolios. Prior to hi-tech, Jason spent more than a decade as a business development manager in the financial industry.