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[PODCAST] The Road to CX Summit w/ Ryan Kam


Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.

Show of hands if you were booked to attend a conference this year that either canceled, or moved virtual? 

*Sees every hand go up.* 

It happened to everybody, and at Five9, we’re pivoting as best as we can. 

Last year, our CX Summit had 900 attendees in Las Vegas. This year, we’re projecting nearly 3,000 attendees virtually on September 16th. 

Ryan Kam was a guest on the podcast recently, and talked all about the four virtual tracks attendees can choose from at this year’s CX Summit. 

1. “Is my customer experience a more human experience?” 

Making customer experience human is the mantra of Five9. Especially, now that the contact center is the only door to your business right now. 

2. “What’s possible in the cloud with Five9?” 

Cloud promises not only the ability to streamline, but also access data and make sure you’re staying ahead of your customers. 

3. “Super powering your agents.” 

We want to be able to take the data that we’re leveraging from the cloud, and empower agents to deliver that human experience. 

4. “Under the hood: Five9 technology and innovations.” 

This will focus not just on technology, but how technology empowers people to deliver empathy back to your customers. 

Listen to Ryan’s whole interview here, and register for CX Summit for free at 

See you there!



Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.