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Notable Moments From The Future of Customer Journey Experiences


Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.

Last week we had the privilege of hosting a fantastic event at a San Francisco hot spot for a thought leadership panel discussion focused on the future of customer journey experiences where our EVP of Products, Gaurav Passi was joined by Jim Lundy, CEO of Aragon Research, John Hernandez, COO of Salesforce Service Cloud, and Barry O’Sullivan, CEO of Altocloud. There were some great moments and below we have captured each of the panelists best quotes of the night and key social media posts:


"Customers always remember."

"In 2017, it’s not just about the service, it’s really about customers renewing with you and going on the journey with you."

"Netflix is a good example of a digital journey, it remembers what you’ve watched, it gives you recommendations."

--Jim Lundy


"Satisfaction is not about the first trip or second trip, satisfaction is the entire journey."

"You have to make sure that any customer who wants to come and interact with you, it is on their channel of choice, not your channel of choice Mr. Brand."

--Gaurav Passi


"When I look at the polar opposites of my 72 year old dad and my 14 year old daughter, they have very similar traits now because of the iPhone, iPads, and Android devices. Everything is accessible at the moment that they need it, and in that customer journey environment if you’re not proactive and engaging when they need it, they are off to the next thing."

--John Hernandez


"In the digital world, you have to connect the dots between the silos in all communication channels and within the company’s organization."

"78% of customers don’t track the data around customer journeys."

--Barry O'Sullivan




If you missed the event, feel free to check out the video stream on-demand.



Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.