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Paul Cowman Senior Director of Digital Marketing

With over 15 years of experience in digital media, Paul Cowman heads up the demand generation team at Five9.   

Earlier this month the Five9 marketing team launched a program call #MovingDay.  Having worked on the concept and media strategy, I wanted share what it is and how it relates to contact center software and the customer experience space.  

#MovingDay is a concept hatched within the framework of digital transformation.  Focused on the day when companies large and small turn to cloud-based software to deliver better customer experience, the concept boils down to a shift to the cloud based on three key strategic and crucial business drivers.  

Time:  Probably the most important business driver as there are several ways ‘Time’ can be defined in terms of a cloud migration.

  1. Digital Transformation: When it comes to cloud migration, the biggest driver is digital transformation.  Moving systems, processes and programs from an on-prem environment to the cloud to gain cost and resource efficiencies, etc.  Although there are many upsides to a cloud migration, the timing has to be right, but all things considered that day is coming. I personally believe within the confines of digital transformation, the question of moving to the cloud isn’t a question of “If’, but ‘When’.  As at some point (in the near future) all software-based programs will be cloud-based. 
  2. The time it takes to move: In many cases one of the largest drivers for not moving to the cloud is due to the time and resources required to migrate systems to a different platform.  The reality however is most cloud migrations can happen in under 45 days.  Case in point, Five9’s customer Teladoc migrated (cloud-to-cloud) in under 45 days.
  3. People Time: Customer Think lays out three common trends that will drive customer experience over the next decade in this recent blog.  The first thing they mention is how ‘time’ is becoming such a “scarce commodity.”  I believe this to be true not only for customers but also for sales and support teams.  That said, using a legacy on-prem platform will not allow businesses to compete or to stay up to date with customer communications in a timely manner.  This is why a cloud migration is so crucial to a modern business.  It grants businesses access to new technology, platforms and communication channels that are not as easily accessible with an on-prem system.   


When researching why a company should move their call center to the cloud, I started to plot out the various “Reasons to Move” in one column.  To better understand the buying decision, I plotted, “Reasons to Stay [on-prem]” in another column.  I then plotted a line under the two columns.  What I got was a very interesting diagram.  The table began to look more like a scale, with the reasons to move outweighing the reasons to stay. 

To me, this way very revealing.  I understand that this only tells half the story, as there are contracts, rates, training etc. a business needs to consider, but nonetheless this is a big half of the story. 

The last point I would like to make on moving is how personal a move can be, which is likely more the case when it comes to a business decision.  Let me explain.

Think about moving to a new home.  All the considerations that run through your head…. ‘What is the school system like?’, ‘Is it a safe neighborhood?’, ‘How will it change my commute?’, ‘What will my new payments or taxes be?’, “Is there a good burrito place nearby?”. 

Now think of this from a business perspective… ‘How will my employees like the new system?’, ‘What will the impact on the customer be?’, ‘What is the UI or environment like?’ ‘Is it secure?’, ’What if something goes wrong?’, ‘Will I lose my job over this?’.

As you can see there is a lot riding on this decision.  In some cases, it could either make or break someone’s career.  This is what brings me to the last driver of the program.


Knowing that moving to the cloud is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’ and knowing how important a cloud migration is to a business and to our direct customers career… why wouldn’t you trust a company with the most experience in this field?  Why wouldn’t you trust the company Gartner says has “Blue Glove” treatment for customer service?  

Five9 has over 18 years of moving the most complicated call center platforms from on-prem environments to our cloud-based call center platform.  We understand that moving to the cloud can be tough.  We also provide a turnkey solution to ensure your business is set up for success on day one.  We know how important this move is to you, your business and to your customers.  So, we will move you data, your reports and your call center to the cloud with ease.  

With all that said,  below are some of the sample creatives and a link to the campaign landing page

The first example, “Service Outside the Box”, has been a piece of copy that has worked well and has a number of different interpretations.

  1. The direct illustration on how an On-Prem platform is a giant box.  Moving to the cloud allows your support and sales teams to free themselves of limitations on an On-Prem platform.
  2. Once a company is able to free themselves from an on-prem platform they have the power of the cloud at their fingertips.  By moving to the cloud, service and support teams are able to service your customers differently, friendlier, find creative solutions to complex problems and ideally, make customer service a more human experience!

Hope you enjoy this post.  And if you are looking into a contact center cloud migration project please feel free to reach out.  Happy to put you in touch with someone who can best service you. 


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Paul Cowman Senior Director of Digital Marketing

With over 15 years of experience in digital media, Paul Cowman heads up the demand generation team at Five9.