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No More Talk. It’s Time for Action with The New CX.

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Niki Hall Chief Marketing Officer

Despite technological advances in recent years, so much of customer experience (CX) today remains frustrating and unnecessarily difficult. It’s frustrating for customers waiting in queue, for burnt-out agents ready to quit, and for businesses that fail to see their contact centers as revenue-generating, customer retention flagships. There’s a disconnect between what’s possible in CX today with AI and what’s happening in companies that still haven’t grasped the imperative to embrace it. 

Deloitte reports that 80% of contact centers are actively engaging in AI deployment, but only 17% have implemented the three primary AI technologies of agent assist, virtual voice assistant, and chatbot. 

Digging deeper, Five9 found in a recent survey that customer experience leaders agree that adopting AI serves two primary purposes: 

  1. 49% believe it will enhance CX 

  1. 39% believe it will improve employee efficiency and productivity 

Belief alone will not achieve this.

It’s time to cut through the noise of continual disruption and AI hype to make what’s possible a reality. 

It’s time for The New CX – the next evolution of customer experience that puts the contact center front and center as a change agent for the organization. Not in five years. Today. 

What is The New CX? 

The New CX puts into practice what CX leaders have been working toward for years: an optimized contact center that fully harnesses human potential, AI capabilities, deeper service levels, real-time business intelligence, and stronger partnerships that together deliver better, faster outcomes. 

It makes the contact center the CX center of excellence driving revenue and customer retention. 

We believe the New CX is the next true business advantage as it:

  • Reorients the business around the customer. With a complete, cloud-native AI-embedded platform that’s built to make every interaction more connected, effortless, and personal.

  • Delivers seamless human and AI experiences that bring joy. Agents are empowered with advanced AI tools and real-time context. Customers interact with humans and AI in a fluid way. Fast, easy resolutions and answers create a joyful experience that secures customer loyalty and retention.

  • Makes every agent your best agent. Equipped with AI assistants, real-time coaching, powerful analytics, and contextual information, every agent is your best agent. Scalable service, instant responses, improved performance. 

Wherever your business is on its CX maturity curve, AI has the power today to drive real impact – if you understand how to orchestrate it to transform the way you relate to customers. 

At Five9, we’re bringing the New CX to your business today. Since 2018, we’ve embedded AI into our Intelligent CX Platform – putting the power of conversational AI to work for you – and generative AI with our industry-leading Five9 Genius AI. We are the only platform that can deliver the New CX today. 

It’s Time. The New CX Starts with You.

You don’t have to wait to see how technology develops and where AI lands in the next few months. You can make the New CX a reality in your contact center today. Five9 has the platform, trusted AI, proven partnerships, and valued experts to deliver the New CX to your customers and employees now. 

We’re excited about your CX journey and would love to talk with you personally. Join us at the Five9 CX Summit in Barcelona, Spain on 12-14 November 2024, and experience the New CX in action.  

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Niki Hall Chief Marketing Officer

Call 1-800-553-8159 to learn more about Five9