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[PODCAST] Debunking Myths About Migrating to the Cloud w/ Patrick Watson

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Kendall Taylor Corporate Communications Manager

Kendall Taylor specializes in social media, internal communications, media relations, employee advocacy, and corporate communications. She is a huge fan of Inferno Pilates, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Arrested Development. Kendall holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in strategic communications from the University of Nevada.

What’s the #1 reason why you haven’t moved to the cloud? It’s different? It’s scary? It’s a lot of work?

We spoke with UC Today journalist, Patrick Watson, about the biggest perceived obstacles that are holding companies back from migrating to the cloud.

Oftentimes, the benefits of storing data in the cloud aren’t enough to get an enterprise to move. There’s almost always a catalyst. A final straw that prompts the move once and for all.

These catalysts can include:

- An office move.

Your company is changing locations and it’s just as much perceived work to move your on-site infrastructure as it would be to migrate your data to the cloud.

- A business merger.

Your company acquired one of your competitors and you need to house all of your data in one central location.

- Planned growth.

Most organizations plan on growing in the future. You need a more flexible storage solution than your on-site infrastructure.

The big question is… Why be reactive to a virtually guaranteed situation?

Fearing the unknown is not an option for industry leaders. Being proactive and adopting new tech is a requirement of modern businesses.

Want to hear the full episode? Take a listen to the latest That’s Genius! episode here.

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Kendall Taylor Corporate Communications Manager

Kendall Taylor specializes in social media, internal communications, media relations, employee advocacy, and corporate communications. She is a huge fan of Inferno Pilates, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Arrested Development. Kendall holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in strategic communications from the University of Nevada.