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[PODCAST] 7 Tips for Human-Centered Customer Service w/ Scott Kolma‪n‬

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Kendall Taylor Corporate Communications Manager

Kendall Taylor specializes in social media, internal communications, media relations, employee advocacy, and corporate communications. She is a huge fan of Inferno Pilates, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Arrested Development. Kendall holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in strategic communications from the University of Nevada.

Seven factors go into human-centered customer service. At Five9, we've identified all seven. Here they are from the customer's perspective:

1. Know me.

What's my history? What services or products have I purchased from you? How have I interacted with you in the past? What preferences do I have?

2. Respect me.

Respect my time. I don't want to be viewed as an inconvenience.

3. Meet me. 

Engage me over the channel of my choice. Contact centers that offer 8 or more channels to their customers to communicate found a 92% increase in customer satisfaction.

4. Empower me. 

Give me the ability to resolve my problems on my own. Provide a website for me to get information or let me interact with intelligent virtual agents.

5. Remember me.

Remember who I am and where we left off. Then take me on from there.

6. Anticipate my needs.

Instead of me having to go to you, I may want you to remind me of something or inform me of a change.

7. Assure me.

Make sure all your activities are secure.

You can listen to Scott Kolman, SVP of Marketing at Five9, talk more about these points and other things that go into making the customer experience more human.

Listen to the full conversation with Scott on the most recent episode of That’s Genius!, here.


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Kendall Taylor Corporate Communications Manager

Kendall Taylor specializes in social media, internal communications, media relations, employee advocacy, and corporate communications. She is a huge fan of Inferno Pilates, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Arrested Development. Kendall holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in strategic communications from the University of Nevada.