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Five9 Women in Tech: Sylvia Lee

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Kendall Taylor Corporate Communications Manager

Kendall Taylor specializes in social media, internal communications, media relations, employee advocacy, and corporate communications. She is a huge fan of Inferno Pilates, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Arrested Development. Kendall holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in strategic communications from the University of Nevada.


Today, I am excited to introduce Five9’s very own Sylvia Lee! Sylvia is our Five9 Contracts Attorney and passionate Five9 WiT board member.

Tell us about your background: What are you doing now and where did you get your start? 

I am the Contracts Attorney at Five9. My broader focus is as a Commercial Attorney specializing in SaaS and technology. I started working in tech law because someone told me to try something completely new and different. My background at the time was in family law (divorces, domestic violence, child support, pre-nups, etc.). However, tech law became my passion, and luckily for me, my career.

One word to describe yourself: Loyal

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? 

My previous boss told me to, “never give a sales rep your personal cell phone number.” Realistically, she was giving me advice on how she kept her personal life separate from her work life, which she credited with helping her manage the stresses that came with the nature of her work. 

Who or what motivates you? 

My parents motivate me because they have given me every opportunity to succeed without ever revealing to me what they’ve sacrificed.

What are your tips for young women who are considering a career in technology? 

If you think that you want to do something, try it out. I would have never ended up here if I hadn’t taken a (very calculated) risk.

What is your favorite part about working at Five9 or being a part of the Five9 WiT community? 

Everyone at Five9 is so friendly, and I think everyone at Five9 consciously makes decisions to be actively inclusive.

What is an obstacle you faced being a woman in tech and how did you overcome it? 

When I first started pursuing jobs in tech law, I met with an attorney who told me that ethnic and cultural representation was no longer an issue in Silicon Valley but that female representation could still be a potential obstacle for me. The fact that I currently hold a position as a female, Chinese attorney at a tech company shows that I am overcoming those perceived obstacles, even if the industry hasn’t completely moved forward yet.

Stay tuned to meet more of our Five9 WiT members and to learn about Five9 career opportunities, click here.

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Kendall Taylor Corporate Communications Manager

Kendall Taylor specializes in social media, internal communications, media relations, employee advocacy, and corporate communications. She is a huge fan of Inferno Pilates, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Arrested Development. Kendall holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in strategic communications from the University of Nevada.