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Challenging Cloud Myths, Part 2

Second in a series debunking myths about the cloud… Myth#2 – The cloud cannot scale for large enterprises. The truth is actually just the opposite; one single organization is less likely to be able to scale more than a cloud software vendor. When delivering software in the cloud, the concept of economies of scale is key, so most cloud vendors build their solutions from the ground up with an innate ability to scale.

Challenging Cloud Myths, Part 3

Third in a series debunking myths about the cloud… Myth#3 – The cloud will replace IT. As noted in this Forbes article, “The problem with the equation cloud computing = IT job losses is that it’s a gross oversimplification.” As more and more organization deploy cloud solutions, IT plays the critical role of understanding the overall enterprise strategy and takes responsibility for bringing together a myriad of cloud solutions.

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Class of 2018 Interns: Summer in Review

I was lucky enough to catch up with my fellow summer interns and reflect on the last 12 weeks at Five9 headquarters. Here's a look at what we've been up to.
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Congratulations Five9 VP Corporate Marketing, Niki Hall, Wins Stevie Women in Business Award

In November, Niki Hall, VP Corporate Marketing Five9, won a Silver Stevie Women in Business Award.

Counting on the Cloud During an Emergency (Part 1)

Hurricane SandyNo one knows exactly when disaster will strike but it's possible to be prepared. People in the San Francisco Bay Area keep extra bottles of water in case of an earthquake. Mid-West residents have first aid kits and battery operated radios at the ready in case of a tornado.

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Customer Experience Isn't a Metric, So What Should You Measure?

Metrics make the world go round. Don't just use vague jargon to define your market. Measure your money.
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Customer Loyalty in the Age of Social Media

Over the years exasperated customers have aired their frustrating interactions with contact center agents on social media. Some of these have gone viral creating public relation nightmares for the companies involved and giving other frustrated consumers a platform to pile on. Read this guest post by Joanna Jones of Impact Learning Systems to see what happens when social media customer service goes viral:

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