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Taking the Fear Out of AI and Automation


ChatGPT, large language models, neural networks, natural language, virtual agent understanding – how is a contact center channel partner supposed to understand and sell the new AI technologies to customers? These can be scary times for channel partners that need to grasp the implications of a new technology that can have a huge impact on what they sell and how they sell it.   

The use of AI in the contact center isn’t new – chatbots and conversational AI have been around for several years, and AI-based technologies such as speech recognition have been around much longer. However, with what seems like the sudden arrival of generative AI, ChatGPT, large learning models, etc., the use of AI is skyrocketing – especially in the contact center.  

Five9 is leveraging AI and generative AI in several ways, developing new applications and use cases that improve the customer and agent experience. This presents tremendous opportunities for channel partners that can sell leading-edge, high-value products that can help their customers transform their contact center operations, leading to increased partner sales and recurring revenue.   

While still in its early days, generative AI presents a significant opportunity for partners.  

According to Canalys, Generative AI creates a $15.4 billion opportunity for the channel ecosystem in 2023, growing to $158.6 billion by 2028. This includes offering AI services, developing AI software, offering advanced data services, and reselling, co-selling and upselling AI products with services around them. By offering their current vendors’ AI solutions with services wrapped around them, VARs, resellers, distributors, MSPs, SIs, etc. can take advantage of new revenue opportunities.     

So, what’s the problem? With new opportunities come new challenges. Think back to when cloud services first arrived on the scene, and channel partners needed to make drastic changes to their business models and sales approaches. Some channel partners resisted and got left behind. Those that embraced the new model continue to thrive.  

To be successful selling AI partners need to learn about how the technologies work, as well as a whole new vocabulary. The good news is that you don’t need to know how Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) work or how to train an AI model to sell applications that leverage these technologies.   

Register and attend the upcoming Five9 Partner Amplify Webinar: Taking the Fear Out of AI & Automation Webinar to learn about considerations for channel partners when selling AI Technology. This webinar will be an expert panel discussion moderated by Blair Pleasant, President & Principal Analyst, COMMfusion.   

Key take-a-ways from the webinar: 

·      Understanding customers’ business challenges and desired outcomes. 

·      Identifying the best use cases. 

·      Recognizing the challenges or limitations of AI. 

·      Taking advantage of Five9 AI partner resources.  


Guest post by Blair Pleasant, President and Principal Analyst, COMMfusion


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