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Employee Diary: My First Six Months at Five9

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Jason LoGuidice Director Influencer Relations

Jason is passionate about helping Five9 drive the Influencer Relations program through innovative campaigns and engagements to grow revenue and bring timely and actionable market intelligence to the organization. Before to joining Five9, Jason spent 2 years at Polycom running the Analyst Relations program. Prior to Polycom, Jason spent four years at Cisco running AR Programs for the collaboration and advanced services portfolios. Prior to hi-tech, Jason spent more than a decade as a business development manager in the financial industry.

Experiencing change of any kind is scary, and that certainly applies to starting a new job. A little over six months ago, I walked through the doors at Five9 as a new employee with the anxious feelings any new hire has. But from where I stand today, I couldn’t be any happier with my decision. 


So why Five9? After working at my previous company for two and a half years, I knew I wanted to see what else was in store for me. I realized that a great way to do this was transition to a role in a fast-growing company. When I learned my former colleague Niki Hall had just started at Five9 and was looking to grow her team, I knew I had to take advantage of the relationship and jump at the opportunity to join her. I knew that if Niki was at the helm of corporate marketing, Five9 would be an organization I would like to be a part of.


The more I interviewed and met different Five9 team members and leaders, my feelings were further solidified. I saw there was a clear opportunity for me to help Five9 achieve enterprise credibility by leveraging analyst relations.


Once I was hired, I dove right in. My first day fell on a Friday and then I flew out to Orlando on Saturday for Enterprise Connect. Some may have found it intimidating to get right in the thick of it—meeting team members, executives from other areas of the business, analysts I had never worked with before and customers—but for me, this was the best way to start. I previously worked in the contact center space, so I was able to apply my knowledge and past relationships. While I loved being able to connect with analysts I had known for so long, it was actually getting to know the leadership team so well that made that first cross-country conference trip so worthwhile.


Ever since Enterprise Connect I’ve been very impressed by how much respect the leadership team has for analyst relations, and the time they are willing to invest in the program. It’s been great to see how much partnerships are valued at Five9. Through persistence and taking a thoughtful approach to the revamped analyst program I’ve been able to secure a spot in an executive panel at next year’s Enterprise Connect, as well as lock down a customer speaking session. It will be fun to see how far the analyst program has come in 12 months.


As my coworker Danny Wang stated in a recent blog post, Five9 is a “family” whom we can trust and share the same values and vision. I’m glad to work at a company that is quickly growing, with a fully collaborative, engaged team that is always willing to do whatever it takes to get things done.


What I’ve learned is change doesn’t always have to be intimidating. Trust your gut and you won’t be disappointed. Join the team at Five9 and see where it will take you!


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Jason LoGuidice Director Influencer Relations

Jason is passionate about helping Five9 drive the Influencer Relations program through innovative campaigns and engagements to grow revenue and bring timely and actionable market intelligence to the organization. Before to joining Five9, Jason spent 2 years at Polycom running the Analyst Relations program. Prior to Polycom, Jason spent four years at Cisco running AR Programs for the collaboration and advanced services portfolios. Prior to hi-tech, Jason spent more than a decade as a business development manager in the financial industry.