Metrigy Names Five9 a MetriStar Top Provider

Metrigy evaluated 19 WFO providers as part of its global 2021-22 Workforce Optimization and Engagement research study. The research firm analyzed data and qualitative commentary on adoption, drivers, technology partners, costs, and business success across a variety of WFO areas.
Five9 was one of only three providers in the study to receive Metrigy’s MetriStar Top Provider award for workforce optimization platforms. The award recognizes technology providers whose customers achieved high business success and achieved above-average customer sentiment ratings.
Download the results of Metrigy’s workforce optimization study to learn how Five9 measured up to other WFO providers, as well as these key takeaways:
- How many organizations use at least one WFO application
- How the MetriStar award is based on quantitative metrics as well as customer ratings of WFO providers’ products and services
- Why Five9 was named a MetriStar Top Provider