5 Surprising Reasons To Move To The Cloud
Jonathan Rosenberg
Chief Technology Officer, Head of AI
The last few years have seen an explosion of growth in cloud contact center. Is it just because it's cheaper to operate? Nope! There are several significant under-the-hood shifts that are happening. In this webinar, we'll outline those reasons and help you understand the real pulls behind contact center in the cloud.
In this webinar, you will learn:
The most common reasons why some of your peers may not have moved to the cloud yet and why
10 not-so-surprising reasons to move to the cloud that you should still consider
Multi-tenancy - what it is and why it’s important to your contact center
5 truly surprising reasons you should move your contact center to the cloud
Listen to Jonathan Rosenberg, Chief Technology Officer at Five9, present the top 5 reasons to move to the cloud.