Five9 Branding: Media Resources Media ResourcesLogosAll LogosEPS, SVG, & PNGStyle GuidePDF Executive PhotographsMike BurklandChief Executive OfficerLow Res | High ResAndy DignanPresidentLow Res | High ResBarry ZwarensteinChief Financial OfficerLow Res | High ResPanos KozanianExecutive Vice President of Product EngineeringLow Res | High ResNiki HallChief Marketing OfficerLow Res | High ResTricia YankovichChief People OfficerLow Res | High ResMatt TucknessExecutive Vice President of Sales and Customer SuccessLow Res | High ResAjay AwatramaniChief Product OfficerLow Res | High ResTiffany MeriweatherChief Legal OfficerLow Res | High ResJonathan RosenbergChief Technology OfficerLow Res | High ResJames DoranExecutive Vice President of Strategy & OperationsLow Res | High ResAshish KoulEVP and General Manager, Acqueon Business UnitLow Res | High Res